Le début!


Paris… my first day living here… don’t yet know how it’s gonna be, and still a bit scared about this whole new thing…

I am now living at rue Biot, right next to Place de Clichy, the apartment is very nice and the neighborhood quiet, though just by the end of the road it’s very lively.

On the first day was really the quick-off, getting the house ready with the grosseries, clean and tiddy it. Then I got myself ready for the 1st day on the new job, and went out for a walk to Abbesses.


Second day, 10.05.2012

First day work… Avoiding getting there late, I got a lot earlier than I was supposed to… at 8:40am I was there and basically none else was, so I waited.

I can’t believe it, but I got my own office, an office alone, it’s mine all mine! Just LOVE IT!

The team receive me very well, and everyone’s been great, nice and fun. They all speak french with me, and I mean crazy french, because some people speak so fast I have trouble understanding… damn french!!

On the first day, not only I got already a lot of responsabilities  but a loto f crazy tight timmings to do stuff I have no clue how’s it’s done… can it get crazier than this??


Yes, third da yin Paris, sencond on the job…

It got crazier… though it’s my second day, and so far I haven’t seen none from any of the HR team… I’m already getting into the projects deeply… and in french!! LOL

Today I got my first meeting with the labs, and that was surely one of the craziest things… there was vocabular I had never heard, people speaking as fast as light speed, and i loto f discussion I got myself lost into… CRAZY is definitely the word…

My second day and I got back home at 8pm… no, I wasn’t drinking with the team mates, I was working hard… Damn you french!!


I must say that besides all my speach, I am very happy to be here, it’s what i fought for a long time!!