Last few weeks…

All have been pretty crazy these last weeks… I’ve been so busy that I became the worst blogger ever!!

Now it’s my 6th week in Paris, though it doesn’t seems at all, and many things have happened meantime…

I’ve had the big event of the year, the International Meetings, the moment when all countries come to see the international marketing teams to discover the new projects for the upcoming year(s), and discuss the brands’ strategies! This is a big thing for the marketing people and very stressful for the development teams (where I’m now working at)! Very nice experience indeed, and by the way, everything was great, I’ve already presented to the countries and loved it! Born to do it… lol

Then I’ve had a very big personal moment, the house search… – And at the point I realize I’m being quite dramatic in this post, because I’m writing it with all around the big moments of the week… – Anyways, coming back to house search… I went with an agency to 7 houses, to find a definitive apartment in Paris, and for most of the time I was panicking, all houses were either crap or super small and expensive… and then it all went away when I’ve visit this one great house, perfect localization, great space, amazing light, storage space, well furnished, very expensive… anyways, I couldn’t ignore such cosmic connection, so I took it!! Expensive, yeah, but I gotta live Paris and what it has to offer, it’s not like I’m going to get rich here!! So I’m very happy, but still waiting for it to be vacant and all the rental paper work done!

And the last big moment of these weeks is starting now… today I went to the south of france, to a city called Pau to take an intensive french cours… a bit od as I’m living in a french family house, a couple and 3 kids, and taking classes as a full time job, from 9 to 5pm, for 2 whole weeks… pretty crazy, no??