Tag Archive: paris

Le Marais

22 days since I last wrote?? Seriously? It’s official, I’ve became the worst blogger in the history of blogging!! No excuses, just that everything’s’ happening over here… since I came from Pau!! 1.… Continue reading

Last few weeks…

All have been pretty crazy these last weeks… I’ve been so busy that I became the worst blogger ever!! Now it’s my 6th week in Paris, though it doesn’t seems at all, and… Continue reading

Le 2ème semaine

I can’t keep a daily jornal of this whole new adventure… it was an utopian idea to do so in the first place!   After the 2 first days on the job, for… Continue reading

Le début!

09.05.2012 Paris… my first day living here… don’t yet know how it’s gonna be, and still a bit scared about this whole new thing… I am now living at rue Biot, right next… Continue reading


After all it’s Paris, who doesn’t like Paris?